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Dashboard with parameters

Flowtrail AI allows you to create dynamic dashboards that utilize parameters from your datasets. This feature enables real-time data filtering and customization within your dashboard widgets, providing more targeted and interactive insights.

How Parameters Work in Dashboards

If your dataset includes parameters, these parameters will be displayed within the report widget on your dashboard. You can interact with these parameters directly, selecting values that will dynamically update the data displayed in the widget. This ensures that the information presented is always relevant and up-to-date based on your input


In the screenshot below, we’re fetching attendance data based on selected start and end dates. To view data for a different period, simply adjust the dates and click the Fetch Data button. The report widget will update instantly to reflect the new date range, providing you with the most relevant and up-to-date information.

Benefits of Using Parameters

  • Real-Time Data Filtering: Parameters allow you to filter and customize data on-the-fly, ensuring that the dashboard always shows the most relevant information.

  • Enhanced User Interaction: Parameters make dashboards more interactive and user-friendly, enabling stakeholders to explore data based on their specific needs.

  • Targeted Insights: By allowing users to select different parameter values, dashboards can provide more targeted and specific insights, enhancing the decision-making process.