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Create Dashboard

Flowtrail AI empowers you to create comprehensive dashboards that bring together multiple reports and visualizations into a single, unified view. This functionality enables you to see all relevant data at a glance, facilitating better decision-making and more efficient data analysis.


Create a Dashboard

Click on the Add Dashboard button to navigate to the dashboard creation screen. Here, you can add and arrange reports, customize the layout, and save your dashboard for future use. add-dashboard

The dashboard creation page allows you to add and organize reports and visualizations, customize the layout, and configure interactive elements. Use the drag-and-drop interface to position widgets and adjust their properties to create a tailored, informative dashboard dashboard-creation

Add Reports

Select and add saved reports by clicking the Add Reports button. This allows you to easily choose and incorporate the reports and visualizations you need into your dashboard. add-report

You’ll see a comprehensive list of reports you’ve created, organized by folders for easy navigation. Select the right reports for your dashboard, adding as many as you need to create a customized view of your data. reports-list

Customize the Layout

Optimize your dashboard’s appearance and functionality using Flowtrail AI’s drag-and-drop interface. Easily arrange and resize reports and visualizations for a clear and organized presentation of your data insights

Save the Dashboard:

Once you are satisfied with the layout and content, save your dashboard by clicking the Save button. You can organize your dashboards into folders for better management and access. save-dashboard

Filter and Search Dashboards

Flowtrail AI provides robust features to filter and search through your dashboards, making it easy to manage and locate the specific dashboards you need:

Filter by Status

You can filter dashboards by their status, such as published or unpublished. This helps you quickly find dashboards that are ready to be shared or those that are still in progress. filter-dashboard

Sample Dashboard

Below is a screenshot of a sample dashboard created in Flowtrail AI. This dashboard showcases various reports and visualizations arranged for optimal data analysis and presentation.